
Powering up former energy sector workers to re-enter the job market

Grant Agreement No:


Requested EU Contribution:

250.000,00 €


2022 Round 2.
Action type: Cooperation partnerships in vocational education and training (KA220-VET)

Funded by:



01/09/2022 – 31/8/2024

Project Summary

The project addresses a general priority, namely environment and the fight against climate change, and two sectoral priorities, namely increasing the flexibility of opportunities in vocational education and training and contributing to innovation in these areas.

The aim is to address the critical need of limiting job losses as a consequence of the green transition in Europe.

The high level project objectives, which summarize the specific challenges of the work programme and corresponding directly to the Key Action 2 priorities are: 

1) To make VET more relevant to former fossil fuel power station workers. Through interviews with the target group, we will conclude what type of VET programmes better match their background and needs.

2) To facilitate the development of flexible VET programs in line with the needs of the local economy and businesses. Through research of the local economies and governments’ strategic plans for the development of the regions, we will develop VET programs in that direction.

3) To inform the local community about the positive aspects of the transition in place. Informative campaigns will clarify the policy goals of the green transition and explain to people why this transition is important for their future.

4) To provide an IT tool as an innovative and flexible solution to local job hunting. Development of an e-platform based on offer and demand of the local labor market will respond to the problem in a direct way.

5) To improve collaboration between VET providers and businesses to offer opportunities that will enable fossil fuel workers in new sectors.

Applicant Organisation:

This Project has Received funding from the European Union’s programme under Grant Agreement 2022-1-FR01-KA220-VET-000087396

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