
Empowering Entrepreneurs through SME Financing Education

Grant Agreement No:


Requested EU Contribution:

400.000,00 €


2023 Round 2.
Action type: Cooperation partnerships in Higher Education (KA220-HED)

Funded by:



01/09/2023 – 31/8/2026

Project Summary

The aim of the project is to introduce novel techniques through which SMEs can improve the conduits through which they receive, exchange and evaluate information related to funding opportunities. This has been a major vacuum, which lacks the necessary attention it deserves, particularly when considering that funding constitutes a crucial factor in respect to a business profitability, viability, and success.

The project will reflect the needs and requirements of all persons and organizations engaged. It will constitute a win-win opportunity through which, participants can develop their entrepreneurial skills and talents in order to expand and grow their businesses. At the same time, the project will aim to introduce novel valuable resources and innovative thinking into the European and global business environment. It will unlock the potential of otherwise underutilized enterprises to enhance their performance and capabilities.

The overarching aim of the project will be to develop, expand and improve the conduits of information, which SMEs analyse and evaluate towards financing opportunities in order to circumvent the negative impact of misinformation. The project will educate, prepare and support participants to become more competent entrepreneurs by utilizing digital technologies and smart solutions when assessing funding opportunities. Thus, it will be directly oriented towards promoting and encouraging university graduates, or young professionals to embrace and encompass digital transformation. By the end of the project, participants will gain constructive insights on utilizing, processing and managing digital tools more efficiently.

Applicant Organisation:

Partners for Skills Development
Pafos, Cyprus

This Project has Received funding from the European Union’s programme under Grant Agreement No: 2023-1-FR01-KA220-HED-000156662

Enhance Sustainability,
Accelerate Growth,
Engineer Intelligence & Innovation