Securing Inclusion

Diversity and Inclusivity in Security Studies

Grant Agreement No:


Requested EU Contribution:

400.000,00 €


2023 Round 2.
Action type: Cooperation partnerships in Higher Education (KA220-HED)

Funded by:



01/09/2023 – 31/8/2026

Project Summary

The aim of ‘Securing Inclusion’ is to promote inclusion and diversity in the field of security studies; one of the least inclusive and diverse fields in the study of international politics. It aims at supporting higher education staff and students at dismantling the explicit and implicit intersectional barriers linked to gender, ethnicity and religion, which translate into monolithic and outdated teaching and learning environments in the field of security studies.

‘Securing Inclusion’ will offer a suite of teaching and learning activities which will embed diversity and inclusion within security studies university curricula, whilst enhancing the institutional capacity of the partners to continue the efforts towards greater inclusivity after project completion and, most importantly, create spillover dynamics that can impact other fields.

Alongside the horizontal priority of fostering inclusion and diversity, the project addresses a set of sectoral priorities, namely building inclusive higher education systems and supporting digital and green capabilities in higher education.

Project results

WP1: Quality Management and Evaluation Plan.

WP2: Comparative analysis on inclusion in security studies gaps and best practices & development of e-course that will provide an attractive and easily available reference and source.

WP3: Anti-Discrimination Game and the Game Handbook. The simulation game will be based on principles, definitions, strategies and best-practices concerning inclusion in higher education under realistic conditions.

WP4: Securing Inclusion E- Learning Platform and User’s Handbook. The development of the e-learning platform will provide the opportunity for remote education, material and training on inclusive and diverse security studies.

WP5: Dissemination and exploitation strategy and policy recommendation strategy. The results will be the development of informational material, dissemination and awareness events, a sustainability plan, a policy recommendation toolkit and a final international  conference.

This Project has Received funding from the European Union’s programme under Grant Agreement No: 2023-1-BG01-KA220-HED-000154615

Enhance Sustainability,
Accelerate Growth,
Engineer Intelligence & Innovation